Monthly HOA Board Meeting (open to all homeowners): Monday, 4/14 at 7 PM
Monthly HOA Board Meeting (open to all homeowners): Monday, 4/14 at 7 PM
HOA & Rec Center dues are payable every year by all WOII homeowners. HOA dues per household for 2024-2025 is $325. Dues payments are due on July 1, 2024. Dues invoices are sent following the annual meeting on the 2nd Saturday in June when the annual budget is voted on. However, on-time payment is required regardless of whether an invoice is received.
Delinquent Dues
Beginning on August 1, a $65 monthly late fee will be assessed to all homeowners with delinquent dues payments until payment is received. Delinquent homeowners will also be subject to having a property lien filed by WOII HOA with Clark County for an amount to include the original dues payment plus all past and ongoing accruing late fees.
Drop your $325 (plus late fees, if applicable) check or money order payable to Whispering Oaks II in the bottom slot of the Clubhouse mailbox.
Mail your $325 (plus late fees, if applicable) check or money order payable to Whispering Oaks II to 6434 21st Century Drive, Charlestown IN 47111.
Please click here to email our Treasurer if you cannot find the answer to your question below, such as whether a resident's dues have already been paid or info about special assessments.
$325 for 2023. See below for the pro-rated Dues Schedule for brand-new homes.
July 1
Whispering Oaks II HOA & Recreation Center
Whispering Oaks II, 6434 21st Century Drive, Charlestown, IN 47111